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Our quilt group has planned a Quilted Garden Tour for June 18th (rain date June 25th). I am sooo excited to have our quilts displayed for everyone to enjoy! I think this qualifies as spring, doesn't it? Oh! Maybe morrell mushrooms too! Yum! And flowers and the smell of freshly mown grass! And a spring rain! Is there anything to not like about spring? I guess I look forward to all of it.

Did you backbaste the circles?? Those are pretty darn good circles if you did!
You forgot to mention that you actually get 10 of each pattern because she has already REVERSED them for you for backbasting!
Love the book. I want rain for spring - pollen is all over everything - we have yellow cars, whether you purchased it that way or not.

Spring has sprung and so have I! I have a major project of making a huge flower bed between two large trees in my front yard. I already have the brick to enclose it, and am beginning to draw up the plans on which plants to put in. I like to use perennials and mainly ones that attract butterflys and hummingbirds! So this is what I am looking forward to! Other than winning this fabulous that I have been droowling over! Pick me pick me pick me!!! LOL Have a wonderful day my friend!

The back basting technique looks like it turns out a beautiful block. Your block looked wonderful. I am looking forward to the "no coat, no gloves,no hat" part of spring. And the wonderful flowers and breezes too. thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book.

Oh by the way your work in the new technique is great! But all your work is wonderful! You make everything look so easy!!

I live in Texas, we have spring already! I am looking forward to the next few weeks of wildflowers.

If spring has sprung, the spring has lost its oomphf. We got over 11" of snow yesterday with schools closed! I learned to use a snowblower and learned it doesn't work well with the heavy, icy stuff. But, I also got 41 blocks made for a new quilt which will become a top today. Yahoo!

The back basting looks very interesting. I'll have to give it a try sometime. You do make it look easy. I'm looking forward to all the wonderful bird songs and green rather than gray.

I guess I look forward to a few applique projects. There are many activities in spring and summer that involve a drive or being outside watching sporting events. A great time to work on a takealong project. This book would really help. Thanks for the chance.

I look forward to the flowers in spring and the growth and renewal of the plants and trees. The flowers that come back year after year are like old friends that I watch for as they come back to visit for a while. I do not look forward to basically being housebound despite the nice weather due to allergies to tree pollen. There is about a week and a half every year that I can't go outside at all and about 8 weeks that I have persistent fatigue from allergy. Lots of time to stitch if I can stay awake!
I have just recently tried back basting also. I found I had to mark my background or I didn't know where to turn my seam. It would be interesting to read Kay's directions and see if I am missing something.

If spring ever gets to Michigan I'm looking forward to seeing how my flower bed made it through the winter. Hyancinths coming up nicely.

Spring is all about planting flowers for me. I not only love to applique them onto fabric, I love having them in the ground and in many pots on our deck too. I can't wait to buy one of those small pools for our new granddaughter to sit and splash in. Yes, I am soooo ready for warm weather!

I love spring, love your blog and your style, and love to applique! Spring is one of my favorite seasons. It's not too cold, and not too warm. It's a perfect time to feel refreshed and renewed. There is time to enjoy more sunlight and enjoy the beauty of spring blooms. It's perfect time to let positive energy and inspiration in.

I'm loking forward to seeing my crocus and other spring bulbs in bloom. Some of them are still under a foot or more of snow, but I have seen some green poking out of the ground!

As an aside, most of my work on your Florabunda series has been done with needle turn applique, but I did one block (the second or third I think) with back basting and it turned out beautifully! It's terrific for Hawiian patterns!

this method is closer to how I do my applique than the press and starch as you normally do your pieces. I draw my stitch line on in chalk pencil, glue baste in place then needle turn following my chalk line. I find it much easier than slaving over the iron :) I do find the mylar circle templates and the iron the way to do circles though - they turn out so much better that way.

Erin, your block is lovely!!! I'm looking forward to getting Kay's book!

This book looks like a lot of fun, I like that there are different sizes of the patterns. I'm looking forward to all the bulbs pushing their way up though the soil. I find this amazing, I love spring flowers. And because I don't have allergies, I can't wait to wake up to the fresh cut grass smell on Saturday mornings.

Wow, I'm learning so much on this tour! I've been tracing my pattern onto my fabric and just trimming one-eighth inch away from the line and turning the allowance under with my needle.

I sure hope I win this book! I am quickly becoming addicted to applique!

what i love about spring is the rain and starting my flower pots. i ordered the back-basting kit from Kay M and can't wait to try her method. Your block is beautiful using that method

I'm still looking forward to spring here in Maine. Two days of snow and sleet finally ended last night. What I am looking forward to most is not having to change my shoes every time I go in or out the door.

Spring has sprung here in central Arkansas. The crocus have bloomed and gone back into hiding already! I have an odd way of looking at spring this year. It looks like my husband will be changing jobs and going to day shifts with weekends off. Why is this significant, you ask? Because I will finally have the house to myself all DAY long for five days in a row!!! This means more time to quilt, shop for quilting things, and to go and visit fellow quilters! WooHoo!!!!!

Looking forward to planting my summer garden. It is raining cats and dogs in California right now. Very soggy! Love the book. Thanks for a chance to win a copy.

Well, you sure make it look easy.. it may well be worth a try.. hmmm.. gosh your block sure did turn out beautiful.. Kays book looks like a real winner! How very exciting! Wow I'd love to be that lucky!

Well, if that block was your first attempt with this technique, sign me up! It's gorgeous. Although I probably don't have the applique skills that Erin does, still I think I must try this. Thanks for the chance to win the book. As for what I look forward to for spring...quilt shows, fresh strawberries, blooms on the trees, cooking on the grill, etc. etc.

I want to get up and go to work in the light. I hate short days. Looks like a great book.

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