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do you do any stitching on all the weaving other than the edges on the sides/top and bottom?
Beautiful basket

just around the edges

I just love this basket design. I have a friend who has collect antique rattan baskets, may have to go and take some photos for design inspirations.

Thanks Erin!

muchas gracias por la explicacion impecable me encanto un beso desde Argentina

I'm in love with your basket!!!! I can't wait to make one.

Thank you very much for this tutorial! I like your basket!

Just beautiful! I love reading your blog to see how easy you make this look.

Gorgeous basket! Your fabric choice makes it look real and your tutorial makes it look easy.

That is so clever. It is lovely

Erin, how long did it take you to do the weaving part of the basket?

Just amazing!!! You so inspire me Erin and you are just the best with applique :) Thanks for this great tut :)

I did miss this in the spring. Thank you for showing where to go to find the tut because I think this basket is absolutely fantastic. I'm wondering if I can find all the blogs you did on this project. I LOVE it!

It is with great pleasure to ensure you that I, Lady Elizabeth Nelly 1st, did indeed leave my parlor in the wee hours of the morning to watch the Royal wedding. Unfortunately, I see, I was terribly late in the opportunity to win the wonderful gift.

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