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I have a rubber stamp that says, "chocolate isn't just for breakfast anymore"---I love chocolate most anyway. Your quilt is lovely--the pink and brown combination is so attractive!

No fruit, thank you!!

Exciting new pattern. I say yummy!!

Chocolate with fruit, chocolate without fruit....bring it on!

Love Miss Sophie. And Grandma are very special people. Like those hats!

strawberries dipped in chocolate devine.But bananas as a very lovely treat with chocolate yummie

Any kind of chocolate is my favorite!!!

LOL any kind of chocolate any way is great with me ! I love to drizzle dark choc on fruit for a simple summer dessert

chocolate covered strawberries are wonderful.

Chocolate with fruit is very fine indeed.
My grandmother was also called Sophie. She took 1st prize at the Chicago World's Fair for her needlework, morning glories all done in pastel silk threads!

I prefer chocolate without fruit better but it is really great with lots of cashews, pecans and peanuts.

Yum - chocolate is good with or without fruit

I've got my grandkids convinced that when chocolate is served with fruit, it is healthy. :)

I like chocolate and I like fruit, but I like them each best separate. Thanks for the pattern chance.

I like chocolate any way I can get it except as chocolate milk. It is great to dip fruit into chocolate, but it is great on its own as well.

Definitely fruit with chocolate.....then the calories don't count! LOL!

Love, Love, Love Miss Sophie!

Leave the fruit out- just give mt the chocolate!

Good Morning!

That is so interesting that you asked that because when you asked for name suggestions for this pattern "Chocolate and Strawberries" was going to be my suggestion!

Generally, I like my chocolate straight-up sans fruit!

Congratulations on another stunning quilt pattern.

Usually without, but chocolate covered strawberries are wonderful.

Beautiful quilt.

well, raisins and craisins count as fruit right? I love a good chocolate bar with nuts and raisins in it and white chocolate with craisins is very nice too, although white is not my favorite. I have a great niece named Sophie, the daughter of my oldest neice (man, that makes me sound old!).

Chocolate and fruit, let me count the ways ...
Yes, I like my chocolate with fruit. And I like my chocolate all by itself.
Love Miss Sophie! Would love the pattern!

Chocolate and fruit....mmmmmmmmmmmm
LOVE IT! Just about any fruit will do, frozen on a stick is even better.

Why spoil perfectly good chocolate with fruit. Now chocolate with nuts or pretzels-delicious.

No fruit please - just dark chocolate.

I do not like chocolate with fruit as a rule but chocolate covered strawberries are definitely an exception.

I like strawberries dipped in chocolate and chocolate covered cherries!!!

I love fruit and I love chocolate but I would keep the chocolate off my fruit! Except strawberries, I'd give that a try. Beautiful pattern as always Erin!

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