I ended up taking a mini break from this little blog here these past few days...mostly because I had to get a kid ready for a big adventure. Lately I have been really inspired by Tracee’s story telling and thought I would share a few of my own.
So you see that lovely picture? Well, that’s me. Yes, I was a poster child for “Future Geeks of America” and I mean geek in a good way here so don’t get upset. Anyway, when I was maybe 10 my mom signed me up for science camp. One day I was innocently sitting on the steps outside the camp building when the camp photographer asked if I would pose for some pictures. Being 10, I jumped right on that opportunity and this is one of the pictures they took. The very next year this picture came out in the camp promo materials...it was about 2” x 2”. I of course was thrilled, because I was a little kid.
Now let’s fast forward a few years to my freshmen year of high school...which was one of those incredibly painful awkward years that most of us have when we are in the midst of puberty etc etc etc. This year was made even worse by the fact that I was in the midst of my very first crush. You get the idea, right?
Well, it turns out that THIS is the year that the science camp decided to REALLY expand their program and guess which picture became THE picture for a Los Angeles wide advertising campaign. Yep, you guessed it, mine. I mean it was everywhere! Every library, every school, every doctors office. My orthodontist had a huge poster of it in his waiting room. It was mortifying. My parents, of course, thought it was great and had several of these posters framed for gifts to relatives. The worst part was, that boy I had a crush on, he worked in the school library. He was putting the poster up when I walked in and he completely noticed that it was me. I thought I was going to die, since this was the first time I had seen it.
Ah well, 30+ years later this is funny...finally. Oh and by the way, I have always hated chemistry. I don't know if it's because of this picture or not but I really really hate it. I was always more of a physics and math girl...until I got into quilting that is.