I don’t know about where you live but Iris’s (is that a word?)are blooming like crazy here. I can hardly handle all the inspiration so I designed a dimensional iris to share with you. I will have the drawing up for you on Friday but here is the tutorial.
First, appliqué the side petals and the center top petal down in the traditional way.
I was going to call the yellow parts “beards” like in bearded iris but I kept having visions of me sewing beards on little dwarfs so I’m switching to ruffles here, for sanity sakes. To make the iris ruffles cut three pieces of 7mm silk ribbon 8 inches long. You can find silk ribbon at many sewing and craft stores or it can be ordered here.
Fold each piece in half so that the sides a re slightly overlapping.
Sew a running stitch from the raw end to the fold and back again, sewing in the overlapped part.
Pull the thread to get a ruffle.
Knot it and distribute the gathers so you have a nice iris ruffle.
Add two of these to the top of each side petal and sewing down using a running stitch.
To make the top side petal, take two pieces of purple fabric and put them right sides together. I’m using one light and one dark.
Trace two petals and cut out, leaving a scant ¼” seam allowance.
Sew around each petal.
Turn right side out.
To make the petal gather, sew a line of gathering stitches along the reverse side of the petal and along the inner edge.
Pull to gather and knot.
Gather the bottom as well.
Pin this petal in place and appliqué down. Repeat this to make the other petal.
Tomorrow I will have directions for the center petal and the little bud so be sure to check back then.